Giving Tuesday Donations

Help a Child Learn to Read

How Your Giving Tuesday Donations Help

Help Children with Dyslexia

The Seacoast Learning Center provides remedial tutoring of children with dyslexia, free of charge.

Train Tutors & Scholars

Local educators and clinicians can receive accredited training at our center at no cost to become tutors.

Share With The Community

Many of our qualified tutors return to their schools and clinics better enabled to help many more children.

Fundraising & Giving Tuesday Donations

For more than 25 years, the Children’s Dyslexia Centers have worked to ensure that every child in our program has the support he or she needs to be a thriving, independent student. Thousands of children have received access to free and affordable tutoring through our 43 local Dyslexia Centers, helping them overcome learning obstacles, regain confidence, and raise their self-esteem. In the video above, former students recount the life-changing experiences they had while attending their local Center.

You can hear more stories like this by tuning into our annual Giving Tuesday Telethon on Tuesday, November 30th at 7 PM EST. The Center with the most individual donors by the end of the night will receive a 1:1 donation match up to $5,000 from the Scottish Rite Benevolent Foundation.

To learn more and be a part of the action, visit: or make a donation below.

Giving Tuesday Donation Page

Why We Ask for Donations

A portion of the funding the Seacoast Learning Center requires to operate is provided through our partnership with the Scottish Rite Valleys of Portsmouth and Dover, New Hampshire; and especially the New Hampshire Consistory. The rest of the funding our center needs each year, is acquired through fund raising efforts, donations, and special grants. Our program costs approximately $5000.00 (annually) per child. The Seacoast Learning Center relies heavily on the donations and special grants received as well as our fund raisers to keep our doors open.

How To Donate or Volunteer

The Seacoast Learning Center accepts any size donation or grant with appreciation. We are always in need of volunteers to help us with our fund raising events as well. We are grateful for any donation or offer of help we receive. Please send donations and grant checks (made payable to the Seacoast Learning Center) to the address below…

Children's Dyslexia Center Logo

Seacoast Learning Center
Attn: Treasurer, Board Of Governors
33 Hanson Street
Rochester, NH 03867

Donations made to, and/or offers to volunteer at, one of our fund raising events should be sent to the attention of the event’s chairman at the address given for questions or more information about that specific event. Please make your check payable to the Seacoast Learning Center. Donations may also be sent directly to our center with a note letting us know what the donation is for. You may also donate via Paypal online using the “Make a Donation” button below. No PayPal account is required when using your credit card.

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  • From your desktop, go to Your Account from the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.
  • Select “Scottish Rite Masonic Childrens Learning Centers, Inc.”.

What Students & Parents Are Saying

  • I went to the Learning Center for 4 years. When I first learned that I was dyslexic I was scared because I didn’t know what dyslexia was. I thought there was something wrong with me and I did not know what to do. It was very confusing for me. The teachers at my old school tried and tried to help me but I just couldn't get it. I thought I was stupid. I was 9 years old when I started to go to the Learning Center. At first I didn't want to go because I thought it was boring. But as I progressed I saw it was really helping me a lot. The Learning Center helped me gain confidence in myself. After passing the first level I wanted to read more because I knew I could do it. As I passed each level it felt like winning a gold medal in the Olympics! The Learning Center taught me how to read and break down difficult words. Because of what I learned I am able to go to the 8th grade, and I know that I will be able to keep up with my class. Because of the Learning Center, I know that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. It was hard for me to learn how to read, but I did it.

    Anthony Student
  • Kids picked on me because I was at a lower reading level. I felt stupid and dumb. I was very depressed. I hated to get up in the morning. I wanted to stay home and sleep all day or watch TV. I just couldn't face the world. I didn't want to see my teachers; I didn't want to do homework. On the first day I went to the Learning Center, they made me feel welcome. I got to meet all the other kids that had dyslexia. I saw some older kids that had been there for a while, and they said that it was really fun-it wasn't like school. From the 1st day I really started to like it a lot. When I started at the Learning Center I was 11. And I'm 14 now. I read more often, and I am happy when I read. I really enjoy it better. I understand what I'm reading. And I go to school and I do well now. And I get good grades. Before, I wasn't doing very well. I didn't put any effort in it. And now I put in tons of effort, and I get something out of it. I didn't think I could ever go to college or amount to anything. And now I can, and I want to go to college, and I want to have a good life. I want to be a teacher for kids with dyslexia. I want to show them what I learned. I want them to understand that they can do better in their lives, that they can move on. Dyslexia doesn't have to be the end of everything.

    Katie Student
  • I wanted to share with you a success! You remember my daughter, Julie, who was (is) severely dyslexic and attended the center about four years ago...well, she is now a published poet! Her poem was nominated and included in the anthology attached. Then, more recently, a poem of Julie's received second place in a contest sponsored by our local women's club. Sometimes, I am so overwhelmed I could cry. I'm sure you know that feeling. I think Julie's experiences at the Center made all the difference. Remember when she couldn't even recognize letters? I'm just so grateful.

    Chris Parent
  • Words can not express how thankful I am for the work you and the Dyslexia Center has done for my son Charlie. My son’s inability to read caused so much stress and anxiety for him. Now that his Dyslexia has been identified, and he has been accepted into this program, a huge weight has been lifted off my heart. I am thrilled with the progress Charlie has made over the past year. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing my son pick up a book to read.

    Jennifer Parent
  • I would like to take a minute to thank you for all the help you have given our daughter. She was diagnosed as “Dyslexic” very early and it’s been a real struggle for all involved, but no more so than for our daughter. Throughout, your school has been tireless in its efforts to help us educate our daughter. For the last several years she has been attending your school and the results have been obvious. This year, in particular, huge strides were made. From her time with you and for everything you’ve done, we are eternally grateful. We will keep your school and its wonderful staff in our prayers. Thank you so much for your help over the past few years and for everything. It means so much for our family and especially our daughter Sophia.

    Anonymous Parent

Thank You for your Support!

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